Settling in Silver Class

Silver Class

We have been spending the first few weeks of the new school year helping the children to settle in around Silver class. We have been introducing the children to the routine of the school day, understanding when we go out to play, and when we eat our lunch etc. The children are also getting familiar with the adults around the school, and feeling happy and comfortable in their new environment. We are also greatly enjoying our weekly swimming sessions at Brixton Rec.

Good Morning Orange Class!

Orange Class

We started off the new school week in Orange class by singing our class Good Morning song. Each member of Orange class was welcomed into the week by our friends, as we wished for a happy and safe working week ahead. As soon as the singing was finished, we packed our bags and headed off to Brixton Rec!

Orange class have been having great fun at our weekly swimming sessions. We have been playing games in the water, using balls and floats to add to the fun. Not a bad way to start the week! We will be continuing with this sporting theme over the next few days, as we introduce the children to various yoga and stretching activities.

Purple Class Podcast

Purple Class

The children in Purple class have been carrying out work based on the current class book, Funny Bones. We have been talking about the different body parts that we have, and helping each other to identify them. Purple class have also been playing games with some skeletons, helping to build up the body parts so that the figure is complete. Our class circle time has been spent singing the Knee Bone song. We had so much fun, we thought we would share our singing in the podcast below.


Red Class Podcast

Red class

We started our new school week with a wonderful singing session with Louie. The children have been learning how to clap out to the beat of the music. We introduced other songs into the session, such as Kum-by-ah. The children soon picked up the hand signals to match the words. A great response! You can listen to a brief recording from the Red class singing session in the podcast below.


Green Class Reading

Green class

Green class have greatly enjoyed reading Handa’s Surprise this week. The story is very visual and it contains a lot of props. We have made our own fruit basket in Green class, and the children have explored the different fruit and described what they can see. Keeping in with the healthy theme, we also had a wonderful time at our weekly swimming session. We practised kicking with our feet, and feeling confident in the water.

Blue Class Video

The children in Blue class have been improving their hand and eyes co-ordination skills by cutting out a collection of animals and insects to help make a class display. We then coloured these in, ahead of showcasing them on our classroom wall. This insect theme fits in with our current Blue class reading book, The Caterpillar.

In D&T, each child has made an amazing model of both a caterpillar and a butterfly. We talked about caterpillars come to grow into beautiful butterflies. Our class circle time has been shared playing a group game of Simon Said. You can watch a short video showing a selection of the Blue class children acting out the actions below.

Yellow Class Podcast

Yellow Class

Maths has been our main focus in Yellow class for the start of the new school week. The children have worked on their counting skills, helping each other out as went around the class circle to see how high we could count. We were pleased to see that the children are getting very confident at counting out two digit numbers. We then added a clapping game into the exercise to help us balance these two tasks. We also practised writing out various two-digit numbers on the class write board. You can listen to one of our keen Yellow class mathematicians talking about the exercise in the podcast below.


Gold Class Podcast

Gold class

There is much excitement around Gold class ahead of our school assembly next week. The theme for our presentation will be the amazing animal poems that each child has written. We have thought about the actions and movements of different animals, and then composed individual poems around this. The literacy work will be accompanied with an animal song that the members of Gold class have helped to write. You can listen to a sneak preview of the Gold class assembly in the podcast below.


Class 7 Cookery

Class 7

There was much excitement during our food technology session as the children were treated to lace biscuits with lime cream! Working in small groups, we prepared the mixture for the biscuits, making sure that we measured the exact amount needed for each ingredient. We talked about the process of cooking, and the sequence of events that we need to follow when working in the kitchen. The final proof was in the tasting – the overall verdict around Class 7 was… delicious!

Class 8 Co-ordination

Class 8

Class 8 have been focussing on their ball control abilities during recent PE sessions. This is a hugely important skill to have as it enables us to become better co-ordinated. We offered the children a choice of activities – either football or netball. We each focussed on where we were going whilst keeping control of the ball, and what we wanted to achieve.

Class 9 Maths Video

Class 9 have been working with the large write board during maths sessions. All the class members have been sharing and learning new skills to improve our counting abilities. Using a 100 number grid, the children played a game where they had to fill in the missing numbers on the grid. You can watch a video showing the numerical skills of one of our Class 9 mathematical stars below.

Class 10 R.E.

Class 10

Our humanities work in Class 10 has involved the children carrying out some R.E. research. This week we have focussed on Christianity. We all read a short passage, detailing various facts about the religion. We then had a series of questions to answer, paying close attention to the passage that we had recently read. Other religions are going to be explored in future weeks.

Class 11 P.E.

Class 11

Our P.E. sessions in Class 11 have looked at the importance of warming up and stretching ahead of taking physical exercise. We started our session by gently raising our heart rate with a series of short runs. We practised our co-ordination skills with a selection of different running styles. The class then had a group stretching session, just ahead of an afternoon of serious football action!

Class 12 Trip Preparations

Class 12

We have been making preparations ahead of our next planned community visit. Our Class 12 members have been improving their communication skills, and feeling confident to visit everyday places in the area around us. We have trips to the park, the cinema and library planned. Ahead of these trips, we have been researching the locations using the internet in the ICT suite. We look forward to reporting back on the school website as Class 12 explore the environment around them.

Class 7 Cookery

Class 7

There was much excitement during our food technology session as the children were treated to lace biscuits with lime cream! Working in small groups, we prepared the mixture for the biscuits, making sure that we measured the exact amount needed for each ingredient. We talked about the process of cooking, and the sequence of events that we need to follow when working in the kitchen. The final proof was in the tasting – the overall verdict around Class 7 was… delicious!

Diary Dates

Find out about future events with our online diary.

30th September – prefects / mentors meeting.

1st October – Class 12 Black History Month assembly.

2nd October – Relax Kids session.

5th October – Class 12 community trip to Herne Hill.

7th October – Class 10 at Brixton Rec.

9th October – Class 7 Whippersnappers session.

13th October – school open afternoon. Please contact the office for details.

15th October – Class 11 assembly.

19th October – Class 12 at Brockwell Park Surgery.