Class 10E Quiet and Loud Music Making

Class 10E have been making plenty of noise, as well as some very quiet sounds during our early music learning for the new school term at Turney. The students have been thinking about the difference between quiet and loud. Miss G started a class discussion to explore some of the ideas as to what quiet and loud might mean.

Working in small groups we invited each class member to play one of the school drums. Prompt cards were used displaying the words and signs for quiet and loud. A staff member used the cards to communicate to the pupils the level of volume we wanted to hear on the drums.

This work will develop throughout the term in Class 10E so that the students have an understanding of progressive noise. This is when a piece of music starts quietly, and then gradually builds up to a loud noise.

This music session concluded with the students coming together to help identify a selection of different instruments that were being played. We had to decide if each instrument produced a quiet or a loud sound.

Finally we asked for some volunteers to make a song choice to perform to bring the music session to a close.

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