Turney Welcomes Silver Class Starters


We are delighted to welcome a brand new intake of Silver Class starters at Turney School for the new autumn term. We hope that the children that have joined our school community for the first time will be able to settle in to the school routine, and be very happy as learners at our school.

The first two weeks for the Silver Class children have involved half a day of learning. This is to help them ease into the school routine as smoothly as possible. Most of the early activities have involved the children understanding what happens during the school day at Turney.

The teaching staff have been helping each child to feel comfortable in their new classroom. We have been exploring our new area to find the cloakroom, toilets and exits. Plenty of games have taken place that involve the children learning the names of their new friends.

Once this settling in period has been completed, one of the first activities that we will be introducing involves using some of the school stamping equipment to help to create some patterns.

We hope that our new starters will be very happy at Turney School!

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