Purple Class Music Learning


Purple Class have been making fantastic progress as part of their music learning at Turney School. The children now visit the Turney School music studio each week to take part in these sessions.

This is a new way of working which is already starting to lead to some fun times in the music studio. It also helps the children to gain confidence around Turney School as they get familiar with all of the school surroundings.

Each session starts with a sensory warm up. Soft music is played whilst the children are encouraged to explore different textured materials.

The practical learning then followed. Each class member was given a choice of instruments in which to select. A communication board was used to help make the choices. Some of the children were confident enough to verbally ask for their favourite instrument. These included xylophones, drums, maracas, tambourines and the musical tubes.

The choices made by each class member was followed closely by Miss G and her team. This will allow planning for future lessons as we can see where some of the musical interests are.

The Purple Class music session came to close with some musical movement. Different paced music was played in the studio. The children were asked to march around, listening out for when the music became louder or quieter, or faster and then slower.

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