Class 1G PE Video

Class 1G are benefiting greatly from the weekly PE trips organised by Mr. Jones to the nearby Dulwich Park. As well as the fitness angle, this is also a great opportunity for the pupils to explore the local environment and feel confident within our community.

Class 1G

Our current focus is to improve our running skills. Mr. Jones has mapped out a 500m circuit around the sandy track within Dulwich Park. Each session has seen an increase in the distance that the students are able to run. We are currently running twice around the track – a distance of 1km.

Class 1G

As the spring and summer term continue, Class 1G will explore some of the other resources within the park. There is an outdoor gym that is great for improving the strength of the pupils. We will also be taking some of the school resources such as the big bicycles.

You can watch a short video a recent Class 1G visit to Dulwich Park above.

Class 1G

Class 1G

Class 1G

Class 1G

Class 1G