Sixth Form Students Curling Club

The Turney School sixth form students have been having some fantastic fun playing indoor curling. Our PE resources allow a curling game to be set up in the school gym using special indoor kettles and a large curling target.

This can be a very technical sport for the students to master. Mr Jones and his PE team have been helping the students with their technique, as well as some of the very clever tactics that are used in the game of curling.

Understanding the rules has also been one of the key learning aims. The students have been self-judging the final outcome by seeing which kettle is closest to the centre, as well as keeping count of the scores achieved from the other throws.

It has been great to see the sixth form students take part in the curling games in a very sporting manner. This can be a very disheartening sport to play if your winning kettle is then dislodged with the final throw of the game! Handshakes with competitors always takes place at the end of each game.
